Picture of PSE buildingClick here for PSE 60th Anniversary videoPine Street on Sigman Entrance

News from Pine Street Elementary

Welcome to Pine Street Elementary School!

Dads with Donuts Title I Meeting

Dads with Donuts.pdf
PSE represents Dads with Donuts at the PSE Cafeteria on Thursday, February 6, 2025 from 8 to 9 am. Picture has QR code for signup.
Click here to sign up. 

Pine Street Elementary Slice the Price Fundraiser

Slice the Price Fundraiser. Pine Street ES PTO. February 3rd-february 17th. We are selling the "Slice the Price" card to raise money towards a wheelchair accessible swing! @20 a card. Register at store.dominos.card/46291. There is a photo of the card you will receive and a QR code to sign up.
Thank you for participating and supporting our school! 

Pine Street ES PTO

Clear Bookbags - 2024-2025 School Year 

RCPS Families, 

Please be aware that RCPS will continue to require clear bookbags for students in grades 1-12 for the 2024-2025 school year. This is just one of several safety enhancement measures implemented in our schools. Families will supply their children’s bookbags as they typically have prior to the current school year.

Specifications for the clear bookbags may be found on our website CLICK HERE. We have shared these specifications with local retailers including Academy Sports, Target, Wal-Mart, and Office Depot but that does not guarantee they will have them in stock.

KidsDoc on Wheels!

Flyer about telehealth stations for Kids Doc on Wheels

Parent Input for Title I

Rockdale County Public Schools is required to set aside at least 1% of the District Title IA allocation and distribute not less than 90% of those funds to Title IA schools for parent and family engagement activities. This money is used for parent and family involvement activities and to actively engage parents in the academic achievement of their children. If you have any suggestions on ways we can improve the achievement of our students, please contact Stetina Haines-Williams at [email protected] or by phone: 770-483-8713.

School Parent & Family Engagement Plan

SY 2024-2025 PSE School Parent & Family Engagement Plan
SY 2024-2025 PSE School-Parent Compact

Important Supports for Families

Link to this form to tell us about your Internet Access
Link here to learn about low cost internet options

Family Technical Support

  • First – view student or parent support pages (located in the student ClassLink tech help folder)

  • Next Contact your teacher for guidance

  • Finally - Call the technology Helpdesk: 770-860-4259
    (This will create an automated tech help ticket and helpdesk support will contact you)

  • Link here for technology support resources for families.

Please see details about COVID-19 support and guidance at 


Sign Up for a Parent Portal / Grade Book Account!

Flyer "Need to Register for Parent Portal?"

Link here for directions for creating or accessing your parent portal account: rockdaleschools.org/infinitecampus.

Forgot your 
Parent Portal username or password?  Use the helpful links on the Parent Portal sign-in page (Forgot your password? or Forgot your username?).  If that doesn't work, call the tech helpdesk number at 770-860-4259.

District Announcements

Title I Annual Survey

Parents, please take the Title I Annual Survey here

Your input is vital in the planning and implementation of our Parent and Family Engagement Program. Please take a moment to complete this survey.  Your input is greatly appreciated!

Annual Updates for '24-'25 School Year

Parents & Guardians: Annual Updates forms for the '24-'25 school year are now open in Parent Portal under the "More" tab. If you need assistance, please check out the county Parent Portal information page linked below or call our helpdesk at 770-860-4259.
RCPS Parent Portal Information Page

GIF stating "Attention Parents! Annual Updates forms are available now in Parent Portal! Forgot your password or need technical support for your account? Call our helpdesk at 770-860-4259." With the Infinite Campus Parent Portal logo and Rockdale County Public Schools logo.



Upcoming Events

The Pine Street Elementary Family

The mission of Pine Street Elementary, a family school rooted in history and branching out to embrace change and diversity, is to build a strong academic foundation, cultivate the desire to learn, and develop responsible and respectful members of society by providing a caring, challenging, and safe environment which reflects the spirit and vision of our community.